Plot Synopsis
Directed by Academy Award(R) winner Anthony Minghella ("The English Patient", "The Talented Mr.Ripley") and based on Charles Frazier's best-selling Civil War novel of the same name, COLD MOUNTAIN tells the story of Inman (JUDE LAW), a wounded confederate soldier who is on a perilous journey home to his mountain community, hoping to reunite with his pre-war sweetheart, Ada (NICOLE KIDMAN). In his absence, Ada struggles to survive and revive her father's farm with the help of intrepid young drifter Ruby (RENEE ZELLWEGER).As they come ever closer, Inman and Ada weave a story about the longing for home after being in the wilderness, the longing for peace after being at war, and the longing for love and union in the midst of chaos.
Based on one of the most acclaimed novels in recent memory, "Cold Mountain" sets off on a true American odyssey through a time that saw some of the greatest ferocity -- and heroism -- the nation has ever known.