Established in September of 2011 Charlie Hunnam Fan has been your top source for the latest news and photos on the career of British actor Charlie Hunnam. Charlie is most widely known for his role as outlaw biker Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy. However, Charlie is remembered for his other roles in both film and television including Queer as Folk, Undeclared, Cold Mountain, and Pacific Rim to name a few. Be sure to save our link and check back often for the latest on Charlie!
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Season 3:11/20/24 - Filming in Los Angeles, California
Question: Any intel on who dies tonight on Sons of Anarchy? —Jeff Ausiello: No solid intel, but exec producer Paris Barclay said something at the show’s premiere earlier this month that has taken on a whole new dimension in the wake of the death buzz. Asked how much longer Clay and Jax’s cat-and-mouse game would go on, the writer/director responded, “It’s not going to go as long as fans of one of them would like. It’s going to end abruptly and quickly.” Hmm…
The San Diego Film Festival is upon us once again and 3,2,1…Frankie Go Boom is one of the many feature films scheduled to be shown at the popular festival.
3,2,1…Frankie Go Boom is scheduled to be shown on Thursday, September 27th at 8PM in the Reading Theater in the Gaslamp Quarter and on Saturday, September 29th at 8PM in the Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla, Sherwood Auditorium.
You can purchase tickets to the see Frankie Go Boom at the San Diego Film Festival at the official website for the festival HERE.
For those who aren’t familiar with Frankie Go Boom, you can check out the trailer below.
Frank Bartlett has been tortured, embarrassed, and humiliated by his brother Bruce — usually on film — his entire life. Now that Bruce is finally off drugs and has turned his life around, things should be different. They are not. When Frank’s one-night-stand with a peculiar young woman goes not quite as planned, Bruce’s camera is there, as usual, to share the embarrassing video of the event with the world. But when the two brothers discover the girl’s father is a crazed lunatic, fond of guns, they need to get the non-sex tape back.