

Massive Photo Session Update!

I have finally gotten around to sorting through my Charlie folder, which in return allowed me to figure out just what photos weren’t in the gallery. So, in light of that as you can see below makes this the largest photo session update I will ever make. Many photos were updated with a larger resolution, most being in high quality. The rest had additional photos added to the albums, in addition to untagged versions of the same photos already in the gallery. There are however, a good hand few of new sessions that I added (many older sessions) in addition to updating many of the albums.

I hope my hard work is appreciated, haha! Enjoy you guys!

Gallery Links:
Photo Sessions > Session #001 Updated; Untagged & High Quality!
Photo Sessions > Session #003 Updated; Untagged & Larger Quality!
Photo Sessions > Session #004 Updated; Larger Quality
Photo Sessions > Session #010 Updated; High Quality!
Photo Sessions > Session #012 Additional;
Photo Sessions > Session #018 Additional; Untagged
Photo Sessions > Session #020 Additional;
Photo Sessions > Session #024 Additional; Untagged
Photo Sessions > Session #029 Updated; High Quality!
Photo Sessions > Session #030 Additional;
Photo Sessions > Session #031 Additional;
Photo Sessions > Session #033 NEW!
Photo Sessions > Session #034 NEW!
Photo Sessions > Session #035 NEW!
Photo Sessions > Session #036 NEW!
Photo Sessions > Session #037
Photo Sessions > Session #038 NEW!

3 Comments on “Massive Photo Session Update!”

  1. Thank you so much for your work on this website. It´s the best xx
    Charlie would be proud 🙂

    1. That is very kind of you to say, and I hope he would be too! You’re so very welcome!

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