

Kurt Sutter Talks Season 6, Jax, and Happy Endings

Check out ZAP2IT.COM for the rest of Kurt’s interview about Season 6!

ks Zap2it: In his rise to power within the club, Jax (Charlie Hunnam) has become a great example of how corrupting absolute power can be in a person. Going into Season 6, where is his story heading?

Kurt Sutter: I think it’s somewhat on that trajectory. There’s a scene in episode 2 with Tara, where Jax talks about how the death of Opie is what’s driving him and ultimately it’s hard for him to step away now, because if he does, he sees that Opie’s death was in vain.

Opie set himself up, knowing where it was all going to a certain extent. And him sacrificing himself for the club, for Jax to walk away would be dishonoring his memory. That’s what I’m talking about when I say the ghost of Opie is living in Jax, in at least the first half of the season, and is sort of motivating him to … not necessarily go rogue, but perhaps pushing him down this path where he may be leaping before he looks.