Charlie Talks to TVLine about Jax’s Evolution and His Real Stance on Awards

TVLINE | What initially drew you to Sons of Anarchy and the role of Jax?
I grew up in a rough-and-tough neighborhood, so I don’t actually relate to those shows and films about twentysomethings trying to make their way in the world. [Laughs] I just loved Jax. There are a million different dynamics at play within him… This project came at a strange time in my career when I wasn’t getting any [film] roles I wanted… So, I took 18 months off [to work on a screenplay], and then my agent and manager sent me the Sons of Anarchy script. I was surprised it was for a TV show, but I thought, ‘F–k it!’ – and it was fantastic! The idea was so original, the characters were well drawn and the quality of [executive producer] Kurt [Sutter]’s writing was better than the films I was reading.

TVLINE | There was also more depth to Jax’s relationship with Tara.
Maggie [Siff] had an amazing season. That’s one of the richest creative collaborations I’ve ever had with an actor. The way their relationship’s evolved and how close we’ve gotten really translates onscreen; that’s actually one of the things I’m most proud of on the show.

TVLINE | The series has a few more seasons in it … Then what?
I’d like to do it all. I’d love to keep acting. I have a couple of scripts that I’ve sold, one of which I’m writing for myself to star in. Ultimately, I’d love to direct a film. [If I did] more TV, it would really have to be for [cable] or working with someone like Kurt — if not Kurt, directly. Because I would do another Kurt Sutter show.

TVLINE | When all is said and done, how would you like Sons of Anarchy to be remembered?
As a really smart, original, gritty drama… In same way people think of The Sopranos or Deadwood — with reverence.

You can check out the interview in full over at

Photos of Charlie & SOA Cast Behind the Scenes of Season 5 Photoshoot

I’ve added 5 photos of Charlie and the Sons of Anarchy cast seen shooting what I can assume is their Season 5 photoshoot today. A huge thanks to the Dom Pagone of FOX for posting these great photos on his Twitter. Be sure to give him a follow!

Gallery Link:
Season 5 > Behind The Scenes of the Season 5 Photoshoot

Sons Of Anarchy Season 4 Additional Stills – Final Set

I have added 34 additional stills from Sons of Anarchy episodes 4×09 ‘Kiss’, 4×10 ‘Hands’, 4×11 ‘Call of Duty’, 4×12 ‘Burnt and Purged Away’, 4×13 ‘To Be, Act 1’ and 4×14 ‘To Be, Act 2’ into the gallery. This is the last batch, and so with that being the case I have replaced all the stills with their original untagged versions as promised, including the last set as well.

I hope you enjoyed all the extra stills from this past season of SOA, I know I did. I’ll be putting more focus into finally finishing the last of Season 3 captures soon, so if all goes as planned those should be up by July if not sooner.

Gallery Link:
Season 4 > Episodic Stills

Ask Ausiello: How Does Jax’ New Position Effect Gemma?

Check out what Ausiello had to say about Sons of Anarchy in his latest ‘Ask Ausiello’ column.

Question: Do you know anything about Season 5 of Sons of Anarchy? —Elyse
I know that Clay might not be the only one facing an uncertain future with SAMCRO when the action picks up several weeks after the transition of power that landed Jax at the head of the table. Rather, his old lady Gemma, as evidenced by the look on her face at the close of the Season 4 finale, should also have cause for concern. “I don’t think she manipulates Jax in the same way she manipulates Clay,” Charlie Hunnam told us at FX’s upfront party. “There’s a dynamic inherent in every mother-and-son relationship, where after a while the son is going to say, ‘Mom, you ain’t running my life anymore.’ So I think she definitely has a good reason to be nervous in terms of her position in the club.”
