Kurt Sutter Talks Season 6, Jax, and Happy Endings

Check out ZAP2IT.COM for the rest of Kurt’s interview about Season 6!

ks Zap2it: In his rise to power within the club, Jax (Charlie Hunnam) has become a great example of how corrupting absolute power can be in a person. Going into Season 6, where is his story heading?

Kurt Sutter: I think it’s somewhat on that trajectory. There’s a scene in episode 2 with Tara, where Jax talks about how the death of Opie is what’s driving him and ultimately it’s hard for him to step away now, because if he does, he sees that Opie’s death was in vain.

Opie set himself up, knowing where it was all going to a certain extent. And him sacrificing himself for the club, for Jax to walk away would be dishonoring his memory. That’s what I’m talking about when I say the ghost of Opie is living in Jax, in at least the first half of the season, and is sort of motivating him to … not necessarily go rogue, but perhaps pushing him down this path where he may be leaping before he looks.

Sons of Anarchy Boss: “Controversial” Season 6 Premiere Is the Catalyst for Series’ Final Act

After reading this I am both intrigued and afraid of what this supposed scene entails. Leave it to Kurt to both excite me and terrify all in one fell swoop.

“I’ve wanted to do that story for about three years,” Sutter told reporters at the Television Critics Association fall previews Friday. “I knew it would be somewhat controversial, but I feel like as much as I wouldn’t do something [just] because it was controversial, I’m also not going to do something because it is controversial. … There’s a lot of blood and guts in my show — it’s a signature of the show. But I feel like nothing is done gratuitously. … I am not trying to make a statement. This is a story that’s not being done to be sensational.”

More importantly, Sutter said the potentially polarizing scene in question is a major turning point for the show as it kicks off its penultimate season. “It is truly the catalyst for the third act of our morality play,” he said. “It sets everything in motion for this season that will ultimately lead to the end that then will bring us into the final season and what I see as the ultimate comeuppance of everything in terms of the series.”

The weight of that comeuppance will most likely fall mostly on Jax (Charlie Hunnam), who will continue to wrestle with how he feels about leading an outlaw motorcycle club. “The conflict that has fueled the entire series and especially Charlie’s character is the idea of: ‘Can I do what I do and follow this path and still show up and be a caring and loving husband and a good and caring father?'” Sutter says. “Can I have all that and still be the leader of a criminal enterprise? Coming into Season 6, we have to decide whether the answer is yes or no.”

As such, Sutter believes Season 7 will indeed be the show’s last, though he suggests that if he needs a few extra episodes, FX would oblige. (He also acknowledges that many episodes, including the 90-minute Season 6 premiere, will be “supersized.”) So does he have a master plan? Does he know the final shot of the series?

“I have an idea of what the final shot is and, for some reason, it’s Otto getting out of jail,” Sutter joked about the character he plays on the show. But seriously, Sutter does have a plan but isn’t locked into it.

“I have a loose blueprint I go into every season with,” he said. “The looser I hold on to those ideas, the better the seasons are. … I have a sense of what the final shot is, but I hold onto that loosely. I need that marker to go towards, and then I go the right place.”


Sons of Anarchy: First Look at Peter Weller’s Crooked Ex-Cop


Weller will play Charles Barosky, a crooked ex-cop who has taken advantage of the city’s failing infrastructure to become boss of the Stockton, Calif., port. He crosses paths with SAMCRO — and it looks like he’ll bring trouble with him.
The image shows Weller’s character facing off with Jax (Charlie Hunnam), the current leader of the motorcycle club.
