Tag: sons of anarchy
I highly recommend checking out the full interview over at About.com.
Check out a few select questions from the interview below.
So are you and Ron Perlman an unstoppable tag team now?
“Apparently. [Laughing] It seems to be. I mean, of the last three movies I did, he was in two of them. And we’ve done, what, 60 hours of television together now. So yeah, we’re pretty familiar with each other.”It’s a good thing you guys get along, isn’t it?
“It is, and we don’t always, you know, actually. We don’t always get along. Sometimes we annoy the sh*t out of each other, but I don’t know if it’s art imitating life or what, but it seems the occasions where we’ve gotten annoyed at each other, it’s just to serve the work, you know? You know it’s a very contentious relationship Jax and Clay have on Sons of Anarchy, so sometimes that bleeds into real life. You live with these characters, you live as these characters 80 hours a week for six months of the year [and you] can’t help, as much as you want to just shake it all off at the end of the day, that sh*t sinks into your psyche and affects ones behavior in unusual ways.”Is your character in Pacific Rim anything like Jax?
“He is in [that] I think he’s like a solid guy, made of good stuff, you know, and like Jax Teller. Jax’s, actually, funnily enough is probably a little bit more sophisticated than this guy. But you know, I tend to – probably because I’m like that myself – play characters who have a lot of integrity and are going to do the right thing but don’t necessarily have like a lot of moving parts, you know? Like pretty simple dudes that like salt of the earth, old-fashioned type of guys.“I grew up in a neighborhood with like really old-school type of guys. They don’t make guys like that. I feel like it’s a very forgotten area of the world, in northern England in Newcastle, and I just truly don’t think they make dudes like that anymore. And I feel so fortunate that I got to grow up around men…like, there isn’t a single man in my life until I left our neighborhood that had ever called the police, ever under any circumstances. You’ve got a problem, you deal with it yourself, no matter what that entails. You know what I mean? Those type of dudes. And so I find myself playing those type of guys a lot because I don’t think there’s a lot of people, a lot of actors, that were fortunate to have the experience that I had growing up that have actually been around legitimately bad, tough dudes.”
You don’t want to be famous but you’re the star of a Guillermo del Toro monster movie and people who don’t watch Sons of Anarchy are going to recognize you because of this. So what’s going to happen when you become really famous? What’s that going to do to you?
“Well, I don’t know. I don’t think it will affect me in any way. I mean I live such a private life and I’m so quiet. I don’t go to clubs and I don’t get into crazy relationships with starlets or anything like that so, you know, I think there’s a real choice. I mean, I don’t think Daniel Day-Lewis, and I’m, believe me, not comparing myself to Daniel Day-Lewis, but in terms of the perfect career, I think he’s someone to look to. He’s not in giant monster movies, but he is a very, very famous, successful actor who lives in complete obscurity outside of the business. It’s possible. People leave him alone.”“I’ve lived in the same house for 10 years and I can afford to live in a much bigger house, a swankier house, but it just doesn’t excite me at all. What I think about is saving my money and buying a giant, giant plot of land somewhere and just like living off the land. Just live and be, and get in touch with what life is all about, and then come out of that occasionally and make a movie. I mean that’s always been my dream, that I could just live a little obscure life and then make movies once in a while because I felt from a very young age that I was like on the cusp of an existential crisis since I was about three years old. And I think that film, to me, for whatever reason, feels like a worthy enough endeavor to spend one’s life doing. Then you die at the end of it and you made two or three good films – that’s enough for me.”
I think this will be the most exciting season yet.
“I think by far and away. Because I’m a big fan of the show, I really love it and I – for my money – by far and away the best season we’ve done. Not just because it’s been such a big shift, but at this point the mythology of the whole show is like caught up with the characters and there’s so much depth. I mean we open, something happens over the episodes three and four that I think are gonna absolutely rock fans of the show to their very core and I can tell you that like, hands down, exponentially, deeper creative experience than I have ever had and I shared it with all the guys on the show. Like everybody felt that they had not only done the best work they’ve ever done in their careers, but it was the most satisfying, meaty, creative experience. There’s some sh*t goes on episodes three and four that’s just bananas.”
Go behind the scenes with the cast and crew of FX’s biker drama as they shoot Season 5.
The thousands of Sons of Anarchy fans who packed Hall H at Comic-Con today were treated to a special sneak peek of the new season, which begins Sept. 11 on FX. And boy, is this one explosive. EW got the exclusive run. Check it out:
That wasn’t the only explosive thing to come out of the panel. Creator Kurt Sutter told fans that he’s open to doing a prequel that sets up the formation of the motorcycle club. Maybe we will finally meet Jax’s dad in the flesh!
Other tidbits: Gemma (Katey Sagal) has hot sex with Jimmy Smits in the premiere. He plays an ex-gangsta type who mentors Jax. Jax begins to empathize with Clay and just how hard it can be to run a club. Opie (Ryan Hurst) will decide whether he will sit at the table with Jax and what role he will serve in the club.
I definitely cannot wait until September!
I’ve added 48 photos of Charlie with his Sons of Anarchy cast mates as they promoted the show at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con earlier this afternoon.
Stay tuned as I’ll be updating the gallery as more photos roll in. 🙂

Gallery Link:
– 2012 > 07/15/12 – ‘Sons of Anarchy at the 2012 Comic-Con International