

Site Update!

So, after many months of struggling with the site and then ultimately deleting it, and in turn bringing it back to life, I have finally decided to keep it for good. However, in the meantime while I do not have the proper motivation the site, or Charlie deserves at the moment. I will be letting my good friend Holly take the reigns and maintain the site for me. So, you should expect updates to resume very soon. Holly is a also a big fan of Charlie, and even ran the previous Charlie fansite back in the day, so she will do right by you guys. For sure!

I do apologize if I caused any confusion in the midst of my indecisiveness. It has been a weird couple of months, but I am happy to have finally figured it all out.

And with that said, everyone please give a warm welcome to Holly! Welcome to the site, babe!

4 Comments on “Site Update!”

  1. Yea what great news!!! Holly thanks for giving the rest of us what we all love … a LOT of Charlie!! hugs!

  2. Yay, i have struck the mother lode of Charlie….. I’m very happy you didn’t keep it offline ๐Ÿ˜€

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