Photos/Videos: Meet Raymond from ‘The Gentlemen’ + Screen Captures

Photos/Videos: Meet Raymond from ‘The Gentlemen’ + Screen Captures

Ahead of it’s release, The Gentlemen has been kicking up some more promotional goodies as of late. Which includes two new videos introducing us to his character Raymond. You’ll find the character videos to watch below, and screen captures from the videos in the gallery.

The Gentlemen hits theaters January 1st, 2020.

Photos: ‘Triple Frontier’ (2019) Movie Captures

Photos: ‘Triple Frontier’ (2019) Movie Captures

I’ve added high quality screen captures of Charlie as William ‘Ironhead’ Miller from the 2019 Netflix Original film Triple Frontier. My apologies for the delay guys! I would have had these up much earlier this year but real life refused to cooperate. You can check those out in the gallery now. šŸ™‚

Photos/Video: ‘True History of the Kelly Gang’ Production Stills, Promotional Artwork & Trailer

Photos/Video: ‘True History of the Kelly Gang’ Production Stills, Promotional Artwork & Trailer

Throughout this year we’ve learned a more about Charlie’s role in the upcoming film titled True History of the Kelly Gang which is based on Peter Carey’s novel. The story of Australian bush-ranger Ned Kelly and his gang. And even though Charlie has a somewhat small role as Sergeant O’Neil from what we’ve heard, we’re still looking forward to the release.

The official trailer was released just the other day as the film will make it’s official premiere on Australia Day (January 26th, 2020) on the Australian based network STAN. Nothing yet on when it will be available to those of us outside of Australia. For those in the region you can check out the official page for the film on

Photos/Video: ‘The Gentlemen’ Production Stills, Promotional Artwork & Trailer

Photos/Video: ‘The Gentlemen’ Production Stills, Promotional Artwork & Trailer

Back in October the first official trailer for Guy Richie’s new film titled The Gentlemen was posted online. Since then new production stills and promotional artwork including a character poster has been released. You will find high quality photos including screen captures of Charlie from the trailer in our gallery now.

The Gentlemen premieres in theaters January 24th, 2020.

From writer/director Guy Ritchie comes THE GENTLEMEN, a star-studded sophisticated action comedy. THE GENTLEMEN follows American expat Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) who built a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that heā€™s looking to cash out of the business forever it triggers plots, schemes, bribery and blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him (featuring an all-star ensemble cast including Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell, and Hugh Grant).

Charlie Hunnam & Jessica Barden Get Candid with COVETEUR

Charlie Hunnam & Jessica Barden Get Candid with COVETEUR — In order for you to completely immerse yourself into this off-the-wall (in the best way possible) conversation, I should first set the scene: Itā€™s some seven days into TIFFā€”a whirlwind of premieres, shoots, interviews, and after-partiesā€”for us and for practically all of Hollywood that has descended on Toronto. Weā€™ve managed to find a little solitude at Coffee, Oysters & Champagneā€™s speakeasy behind a discreet door just off the main strip of the festival. Itā€™s calmā€”until, of course, Charlie Hunnam and Jessica Barden (and their entourage) infiltrate the space. The energy at that moment goes from 0 to 60. It is, excuse my language, a fucking party! But donā€™t get me wrong, everyone gets down to businessā€”itā€™s just a grand olā€™ time.

Once Barden stops spinning on a suspended Hula-Hoop (itā€™s being set up for an evening event) and we snapour shots of Hunnam in the shattered-glass booth, the stars of Junglelandā€”a poignant drama by Max Winkler about two brothers grasping at the American dreamā€”sit down with me to chit-chat about not making a typical boxing movie, toxic masculinity, the awkwardness of watching yourself on-screen, and the lowdown on Hobnobs.

View more in the gallery.

I saw the movie, it was awesome. Itā€™s not your average boxing movie. What drew you both to the script?

Charlie Hunnam: ā€œThat it wasnā€™t your average boxing movie. For me, it was just the originality and singularity of the writingā€”the quality of the writing and the aspirations. I like the themes; I like the idea of creating an environment that would promote classic masculinity and then subvert the relationship of the two protagonists within that environment. You know, we talked a lot about being careful not to let this cross over into any sort of homo-eroticism, but that it would be very tender and tactile between [the brothers]. They are the entire support system for each other, and part of that is needing to be loved and touched. The other part of it, which is the thing that I get most excited about in any expression of the human condition, is bringing forth your intention for life. Your hope; we all have the right to do that, you know, but not all have the ability to do it. I think thatā€™s something thatā€™s really awesome. Always in my mind, when I see people that are failing to [rise] to their potentialā€¦ā€

Jessica Barden: ā€œOh my god, is this an intervention? With me? [laughs]ā€

CH: ā€œJess, I really care about youā€¦ [laughs] ā€œ

JB: ā€œI wanted to work with Jack [Oā€™Connell] and Charlie. Iā€™d auditioned for Max [Winkler] before, and he didnā€™t give me the role, so I wanted to work with him. Also I have two brothers, so I wanted to make a movie that they would be genuinely interested in watching, because I make a lot of things that theyā€™re not interested in. Similarly to what Charlie said, we have this false idea of masculinity in men, and I just think with all the work that weā€™re doing on female characters and women in this industry, I also wanted to be somebody that was making sure we instilled those same values in male characters and men in the industry as well. Because it only works if everyone is working together to get the same outcome, which is creating content roles which inspire everybody to live in a different way, where itā€™s not as stereotyped as it has been.ā€

CH: ā€œItā€™s a double-sided thing. This theme of masculinity has come up a lot this week. On one side, I feel as though masculinity has taken on this sort of toxic facade over the last few years, and thereā€™s very little appetite for classic masculinity. And I understand that, and I think there is a level of toxicity in classic masculinity, but masculinity unto itself is not something that we should be trying to repress. We need to celebrate and empower the feminine, and I think that within each of us, the feminine and the masculine in both genders needs to be explored and celebrated.

ā€œAt the same time, thereā€™s the message of being open. With men being able to be open with each other. I think, in certain parts of the world [like] Newcastle, where I grew up, which is an industrial city, where 95 percent of the people are working-class, there was a culture and dynamic of sort of classic tough masculinity exhibited and not a tradition of talking and confiding in oneā€™s male friends. That element of masculinity where you sort of hold everything in; now [thereā€™s a] terrible trend of suicide. The industry has dried up, and what has replaced that industry is IT. Now they have to answer the phone all day long and get screamed at, and itā€™s making them feel bad about themselves, and they donā€™t have the tools or the skill set or cultural permission to be able to say, ā€˜Listen, Iā€™m hurting, Iā€™m sad, and Iā€™m depressed,ā€™ and theyā€™re looking for a way out. I think [the] vilification of masculinity is not helping that, and we do have to understand that while we empower women and empower the feminine, we also have to understand thereā€™s a lot of dudes out there that are really struggling right now and could do with a little bit of love and support too. So Iā€™m not going to be serious about anything else, but I just wanted to say that.ā€

The film is really great:

CH: ā€œI havenā€™t actually seen the movie yet. Iā€™m really excited to see it tonight.ā€

You havenā€™t? Do you find it uncomfortable to see yourself on the big screen?

CH: ā€œItā€™s funny, I generally donā€™t watch myself, and I just decided that was going to be my approach for the last four or five years. So I havenā€™t seen anything. I just worked with Justin Kurzel [on True History of the Kelly Gang], and weā€™re working very closely together in real time all day, and he was like, ā€˜Well, fuck, I want you to see this film. Youā€™re gonna see this film,ā€™ and I said, ā€˜Justin, you know I donā€™t do that.ā€™ And he said, ā€˜I donā€™t care, youā€™re barely in it, what does it matter to you? Weā€™re working together now, and we need to reference this like in a real way, I need you to see this film.ā€™ So I was like, ā€˜Fuck, Iā€™ll see the film!ā€™ Then I show up here and Max is like, ā€˜Really, you watched Kurzelā€™s films, did you? Interestingā€¦ā€™ So then you break the seal, and now Iā€™m gonna have to start watching all my shit.ā€ Continue reading Charlie Hunnam & Jessica Barden Get Candid with COVETEUR